Etrains, HO Freight Cars

Articulated tank car Zafns VTG OMYA – Aged

SKU: MUG32060


2 in stock

HO 1:87 Scale

Epoch: V – VI

Model: Gauge H0 DC. Equipped with: numerous individual parts, short coupling link, NEM coupler pocket, bracket couplings.

The Modellbahn Union Gauge H0 1/87 models of the articulated tank wagons are characterized by detailed design and printing as well as numerous attachments attached at the factory. All grilles and panels are also factory-fitted. Country-specific abbreviations and addresses are also taken into account. The cars are available in shiny chrome new finish as well as highly realistic aged. All models have a short coupling link and NEM coupler pockets. Each company number appears in an edition of 200 copies.
Prototype: The Zafns type articulated tank cars are used to transport chalk sludge. To allow the sludge to be discharged, the carriage is tilted in the middle towards the discharge valve. The wagons have been in use since the mid-1980s and are operated by various freight wagon operators and railway companies. This leads to a multitude of combinations in the registrations, home stations and owners of the wagons. They are mainly based and registered in Germany, France and Great Britain. The carriages are both ferry worthy and Channel Tunnel approved, allowing carriages with British registrations to travel the continent and carriages from Germany, France, Belgium and other countries to roll on English tracks. The length over the buffers is 14.45m.

Note – Model item, not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 year

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