Etrains, Loads, Loads HO Scale

Brown coal in fragments

SKU: JU28155


3 in stock

HO – 1:87 Scale

contents 60 g

Brown coal in fragments as they rolled by the ton on the rails or the road – whether in bulk goods wagons or in trucks; and of course also as cargo in H0 gauge.


irregular fragments

lighter than e.g. stone (100g correspond to a volume of approx. 175 cm³)

not sharp-edged – no risk of scratches

does not smear – no danger for the system and wagon

no real coal (therefore no hazardous/fuel)
Wagon and other items are not included and only shown for a suggestion.

Made In Germany

Note: other items such as figures, vehicles and other accessories are not included and only shown as an example of use.

Note – Model item, not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 years.

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