Construction Equipment & Vehicles, Construction Equipment & Vehicles HO Scale, Etrains, HO Freight Cars

H0 Telescopic crane GOTTWALD GS 100.06 T

SKU: KIB12502


1 in stock

HO 1:87 Scale Kit

With metal wheels and coupler.

Prototype data: Rail-bound heavy crane GOTTWALD GS 100.06 T with four 2-axle gears with 8 wheelsets, four of them propelled, lob 13 m. Bogie pin distance 8 m, clearance limit UIC 505-3, weight/operating weight 128 t, max. speed as part of a train set 120 km/h, own speed 20 km/h. Max. working load while supported by braces 100 t, otherwise 72.5 t freely standing on tracks. Working area 0.5 – 15 m in front of buffers, radius 7 – 21.5 m. Under catenary extendable from 2.5 to 10 m, rotation range > 360°. MAN 2866 diesel engine with 190 kW/258 HP at 1800 rpm (exhaust catalyst). Engines fully hydrostatic with infinitely variable electric servo control.

Dimensions driving position: Lob 15 x W 4 x H 5 cm. Extended: Lob 18.5 x W 8 x H 18 cm.

Level of difficulty: 2 (advanced).

Note: other items such as figures and other landscape items are not included and only shown as an example of use.

Note: Model building item, not a toy. Not suited for under 14 years.

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Original price was: $77.00.Current price is: $62.95.