Buildings, Buildings HO Scale, Etrains

Historical town gate

SKU: FAL130400


1 in stock

HO 1:87 Scale

Dimensions: 227 x 114 x 385 mm

A medieval background. Faithful reproduction of the Swords Tower in Rothenburg on the Tauber with adjacent town wall, wooden stairs and parapet walk of the fortification. The imposing Swords Tower with the picturesque bay-windows completes the re-edition of the old town wall collection Faller # 130401 to 130404 (not included).

This building kit contains: 178 single parts in 4 colours, 1 paper mask and 1 construction instruction.

Note: Figures, vehicles and other accessories not mentioned above are not included and shown as an example of use.

Note – Model item, not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 year

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