Etrains, Paint, Scenery, Tools


SKU: ICK11194


1 in stock

ICKYSTICKY PLASTIC EPOXY PUTTY is the perfect product to sculpt, duplicate, and add details to miniatures and models. It can also be used to fill gaps, cracks, and holes in assembled work.

ICKYSTICKY PLASTIC EPOXY PUTTY is also a great product to have in your toolbox to repair and mend cracks in plastic containers. It will adhere to plastic, wood, metal, ceramic, and concrete. It’s
formula is impervious to most chemicals and water resistant making it suitable for interior and exterior use

  • Sets in 10-15 minutes, full cure 60 minutes
  • Sculpt, fill, and repair
  • Non-toxic
  • Putty-like consistency eliminates drips and runs
  • Will not shrink or pull away
  • Drill, saw, sand, file, machine, tap, or paint
  • Impervious to most chemicals
  • Cures off white colour

Made in USA.

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