Etrains, Märklin, Sets

Standard Design Tank Car Set

SKU: MAR46538


1 in stock

HO 1:87 Scale

Prototype: Five German State Railroad (DR) Uerdingen design four-axle standard design lightweight tank cars for petroleum oil. Older type with pressed sheet metal trucks and a brakeman’s platform. The cars look as they did starting in 1972.


  • Five different “Standard Design Tank Cars”.
  • Authentic weathered areas.
  • Ideal for unit trains.
Model: Smooth-running special bogies. Attached ladders and catwalks. All cars with different car numbers, individually packaged and labeled. All wagons with different aging areas.
  • Length over the buffers per car approx. 14.2 cm.
  • Total length over the buffers approx. 71 cm.
  • DC wheel set per car E32376004.
  • Trix Express wheel set per car E33339010.

Note – Model item, not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 years.

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