Etrains, N Scale Scenery, Scenery

Tunnel Portal – Double Track

SKU: NOC34852


3 in stock

N 1:160 Scale

A railway line without a tunnel portal is like a locomotive without carriages!
If you want to add variety to your railway line in a very simple way, tunnels are the best solution. It’s not just children who are fascinated by seeing the train disappear into the tunnel on one side and reappear on the other! The 2-track tunnel portal from NOCH is perfect for designing any model landscape scene with even more realistic details and realistically recreating tunnel and mountain entrances. The train makes its way through the beautiful landscape. A tunnel portal is ideal for safely crossing rocks, mountains, slopes and other natural areas. Design your own, individual model railway landscape and set it in the perfect scene with details like the tunnel portal.

The 2-track tunnel portal from the “Steinmauer PROFI-plus” hard foam series is ideal for creating realistic 2-track tunnel and mountain entrances. The portal in N gauge not only shapes the face of a railway landscape – in nautra as well as in the model on your layout.

Note: The portal is suitable for everything from the “Steinmauer PROFI-plus” hard foam series.

Since our hard foam items are all hand-painted, color variations are possible.

Note: Additional figures, buildings, and other scenic items are illustrative of use and not included.

Note – Model building item, not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 years.

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